Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Children s Mothers Womb By The Placenta - 1657 Words

For years and years, many believed that babies were completely protected in their mothers’ womb by the placenta. It was not commonly known how vulnerable babies are at every stage of prenatal development, from conception through birth. There are an incredible amount of environmental, biological, and social factors, called teratogens that can affect a baby from the very moment of conception. From this moment, babies are not only developing, but also learning all the time. A fetus experiences the everyday things that its mother experiences, down to the very air that she breathes or the emotions that she’s feeling. While it can be intimidating and frightening to be aware of all of these teratogens, it is also one of the best and smartest things that you can do to promote a healthy pregnancy, so that you are able to avoid these risks. It has been said that the first 1,000 days between pregnancy and a child’s second birthday are the most critical days to that childâ⠂¬â„¢s survival and development. It is up to us as mothers to ensure our babies’ healthy development and to make sure that those 1,000 days are as healthy and positive as possible. For about the first two months of pregnancy, a woman may not â€Å"look pregnant†, which leads many to believe that not very much development occurs during these months, and therefore not much damage can be done to the fetus. This is not particularly true. A mother-to-be must be aware that significant development is happening at every single stage ofShow MoreRelatedHow Substance Abuse Negatively Affects The Baby While During1328 Words   |  6 Pageswomen abuse substance such as stress, depression, and mental issues. More treatment and pre-education should provided to women to inform them of the cause and effects of substance abuse. 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